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4 Clinch-It Stainless-Steel Brackets for 4" Concrete Fence Posts

The Clinch-It bracket is a simple solution to a difficult problem - how can you attach things to your 4" concrete posts.

2 Stainless-Steel Clinch-It brackets for 4"Concrete Fence Posts with Screw, Hook and Eye Bolts

Each stainless-steel Clinch-It bracket comes with a 40mm screw bolt, 50mm hook bolt and 50mm eye bolt. Can be used to attach or hold up a variety of things to 4" concrete fence posts including bird feeders, ornaments, plant support wiring, watering tubing, electric wires, fairy lights etc all above ground.

2 beautiful Clinch-It 7" Stainless-Steel Potholders with Stainless-Steel 4" Concrete Fence-Post Brackets & fixing bolts

Beautiful durable adjustable potholder brackets with Clinch-It brackets for attaching to your 4" (10.5cm) concrete fence-posts. Diameter of potholder can be adjusted up to 7" (18cm).

8 Clinch-It Fence Panel Braces

Are you ready for the winter storms? Do your fence panels flex and rattle in strong winds? Then strengthen them using our 2mm thick galvanised steel fence-panel bracing brackets. Supplied as a set of 8 each with 2 wood screws, M6 bolt + securing nut (used to tighten fitting against post and attach accessories). Price includes postage.

2 Clinch-It 10" Black Hanging Basket or Shelf Brackets with Stainless-Steel Clinch-It Concrete Fence Post brackets

These attractive black ornate hanging-basket brackets can be attached to your 4" concrete fence-posts using the innovative stainless-steel Clinch-It brackets to display beautiful garden baskets or support shelving up to 10" wide. Coated in a thick plastic coating each bracket should stand up to the weather for several years. Other sizes are available as 'Special Orders'.

Special Orders

We are able to provide a range of alternative bolts and hanging basket/brackets in varying sizes. Please send enquiries to enquires@clinch-it.co.uk We are also looking for shops and other distributors and can offer attractive volume discounts.
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Brace for winter storms! -08 February 2024
Why don't you check out our new Clinch-It 'Fence Panel Braces' in the 'Brackets & Specialist Bolts' category. With the winter storms in full swing, fence panels are liable to blow out of their fence post mountings possibly breaking or causing damage to your or your neighbour's garden. By binding adjacent fence panels together you provide additional strength to both fence panels allowing them to stand up to strong winds and harsh winter storms.
Due to a software issue the clinch-it.co.uk web-site has been offline for over a month and we have found it necessary to rebuild the site from scratch. This is now complete and we are happy to inform you that the site is once again fully functional. Unfortunately during this process it was not possible to re-instate existing customers data and you will therefore need to re-register - we are working to rectify this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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